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Contacter:Ligang Liu
Post Code:050502
Address:NO.88 In Donghushe industrial park,Lingshou Country,Shijiazhuang Hebei Province
Zeolite ball
The author:佚名 source:互联网 browse :
 Molecular sieve Type 5A can be regenerated by either heating in the case of thermal swing processes; or by lowering the pressure in the case of pressure swing processes.
To remove moisture from a 5A molecular sieve, a temperature of 250-300°C is required. A properly regenerated molecular sieve can give moisture dew points below -100°C, or mercaptan or CO2 levels below 2 ppmv.
The outlet concentrations on a pressure swing process will depend on the gas present, and on the conditions of the process.


5A - Zeolites are available in beads of 1-2 mm, (10x18 mesh) 2-3 mm, (8x12 mesh) , 2.5-5 mm, (4x8 mesh) and as powder, and in pellet 1.6, 3.2.


 To avoid damp and pre-adsorption of organic before running, or must to be reactivated.


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E-mail: baidukuangchan@163.com

MSN: feijinshukuangchan@hotmail.com

Website: http://china-mineral.net

Postal Code: 050041

All right reserved :Baidu Zeolite Factory In Lingshou Country
Contacter:Ligang Liu Mobilephone:86-13400211588 Telephone:86-311-88708888 Fax:86-311-88709840
Mailbox:baidukuangchan@163.com QQ:1097702829
Post Code:050502 Address:NO.88 In Donghushe industrial park,Lingshou Country,Shijiazhuang Hebei Province
Technical support:Shijiazhuang Huihuangyuan commercial Trade co., Ltd